Finding Cash in Unlikely Revenue Stream

Increasing cash from aged accounts

The COVID-19 pandemic has left many hospitals struggling financially, making every dollar of revenue count even more. In this case study, learn how a large California health system was able to boost their year-end collections with help from ParaRev.


  • $9 million inventory of 386 days at year-end
  • No resources available to work aged AR

How can we help?

ParaRev specializes in AR recovery and resolution. We work as a virtual extension of your hospital central billing office to help you resolve and collect more of your insurance accounts receivable faster and help improve operating margins through a seamless and collaborative partnership with your internal team. Whether you need on-going support or project-based assistance, ParaRev is here to help you improve your revenue stream.

Contact ParaRev today to learn how we can help you collect more from your aged AR accounts.

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