Download our Webinar: Zero-Balance Insurance AR: how most hospitals are leaving money on the table
An effective AR management strategy should incorporate processes to pursue claims at key aging intervals, so no denials fall through the cracks. Collecting extremely aged hard dollars or dollars already written off (zero balance) can help improve revenue and should be a part of any hospital’s AR strategy.
In this webinar the importance of incorporating zero-balance insurance reviews into your hospital’s AR strategy will be discussed. Explore:
- Zero-balance AR revenue risks and why your team should review
- Contract management and technological solutions that limit the capturing of underpaid payer revenue
- Future zero-balance risk prevention through payer contractual, denials, and coding best practice reviews
- Uncollected zero-balance revenue mitigation through robust AR follow up
Learn how you can bring additional revenue to your bottom line
Reclaim revenue you thought was lost through zero balance AR reviews. Once integrated into your hospital’s AR strategy, zero balance reviews will help bring additional revenue directly to your bottom line.
Pararev can help you progress toward the goal of zero-percent write-offs through our comprehensive AR solutions. We’re able to resolve all claims, regardless of size or age quickly, and conduct zero-balance claims reviews and root cause analysis to ensure you’re collecting every dollar you deserve. Contact us today to learn more.